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How to Apply for PIRT Permit, Here are the Complete Requirements and Procedures

PIRT stands for Home Industry Food, which is a production permit issued by the government to ensure the safety of the food produced. This permit is mandatory for food and beverage producers, including in the Halal certification process.
PIRT stands for Home Industry Food, which is a production permit issued by the government to ensure the safety of the food produced. This permit is mandatory for food and beverage producers, including in the Halal certification process.

How to Apply for PIRT Permit, Here are the Complete Requirements and Procedures

Applying for a PIRT Permit, or Home Industry Food Permit, is a production permit issued by the government to ensure the safety of the food produced.


This permit is granted after the products have passed a series of quality and safety tests. Here is a complete description of the PIRT permit application procedure.


Understanding PIRT

PIRT stands for Home Industry Food, which is a production permit issued by the government to ensure the safety of the food produced.


This permit is mandatory for food and beverage producers, including in the Halal certification process.


Importance of PIRT

Obtaining a PIRT permit is crucial for food and beverage producers because this permit is evidence that the products produced have passed a series of quality and safety tests, making them safe for consumption.


Owning a PIRT permit also provides several benefits for business actors. With a licensed product, it can be distributed widely legally.


Thus, the product distribution channels will be broader, and owning a PIRT permit can also increase consumer trust in the distributed products.


Consumer trust can increase because owning a PIRT permit means that the food and beverage business produced and sold by this home industry has met applicable food product standards.


PIRT Permit Requirements

Requirements that must be met to obtain a PIRT permit include:

  • Having a micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) business license.
  • Having a production facility that meets food health and safety requirements.
  • Using safe and quality raw materials.
  • Using production equipment that meets safety and cleanliness standards.
  • Participating in food safety training.
  • Having labels and production codes.

If you need assistance in managing business legality, you can contact our WhatsApp Contact Person at 0851 8322 7997 (DISA).

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