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LKPM January 2025: Government Urges Businesses to Submit Reports on Time

The Indonesian government reminds businesses to submit their LKPM (Investment Activity Report) for Q4 2024 by January 10, 2025. With enhanced digital reporting via the OSS platform and strict compliance measures, this initiative aims to ensure transparency and support a stronger investment climate in 2025.
LKPM Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal

LKPM January 2025: Government Urges Businesses to Submit Reports on Time

Jakarta, January 2025 – As the year 2025 begins, the Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has once again reminded businesses, both domestic and foreign investors, to submit their Investment Activity Report (Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal or LKPM) for Q4 2024. The submission deadline is January 10, 2025, as stipulated in BKPM Regulation No. 5 of 2021 on Guidelines and Procedures for Monitoring Investment Activities.

Submitting the LKPM is a mandatory obligation for every business entity holding an operating license in Indonesia. Beyond ensuring transparency, these reports enable the government to monitor investment realization and identify challenges faced by businesses. The collected data serves as the foundation for evaluating policies to create a more conducive investment climate.

2024 Investment Achievements
Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, Bahlil Lahadalia, stated that investment realization throughout 2024 showed a positive trend despite global challenges, including economic uncertainties. Investment realization in Q3 2024 reached IDR 300 trillion, an 8% increase compared to the same period the previous year. This figure is expected to rise in Q4, driven by the commencement of several strategic projects.

“LKPM is a vital tool to measure the success of the government’s investment strategies. Accurate data allows us to identify sectors that require more robust support,” Bahlil said during a press conference last week.

Digitizing the Reporting System
To facilitate businesses, the government has continuously enhanced the digital LKPM reporting system via the Online Single Submission (OSS) platform. This system is designed to improve the efficiency of report submissions and reduce administrative burdens. In January 2025, BKPM also introduced a new feature in the OSS platform that provides interactive guidance throughout the reporting process.

Sanctions for Non-Compliant Businesses
BKPM has warned that delays or discrepancies in LKPM submissions could result in license revocations. This measure aims to boost compliance and ensure businesses contribute to credible investment data.

“We urge all businesses, especially MSMEs and startups, to take advantage of the remaining time. The government is fully committed to supporting LKPM reporting processes,” Bahlil concluded.

For further assistance, businesses can access BKPM’s hotline and online help center, available during working hours.

With a joint commitment between the government and businesses, it is hoped that Indonesia’s investment climate in 2025 will grow stronger, contributing to inclusive and sustainable economic development.

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